『Venus Laowa 11mm f/4.5 FF RL Lens with Nikon Z Mount (Black) 送料無料』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)で兎の道化師から出品され、260の入札を集めて2025-01-13 05:11:54に、50440.00円で落札されました。即決価格は50440.00円でした。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。東京都からの発送料は出品者(兎の道化師)が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、送料無料、新品、即買でした。
・Supreme Image Quality: The 11mm f/4.5 FF RL is composed of 14 elements in 10 groups which deliver remarkable image sharpness. Although it is not a Zero-D lens, the 2 aspherical elements and 3 extra-low dispersion elements suppress chromatic aberrations and distortion to the minimum・Remarkable 126-Degree Angle Of View: Featuring a remarkable 126-degree angle of view, the Laowa 11mm offers an exaggerated, non-fisheye perspective. It would be a perfect tool for the landscape, travel and interior photographer・Built-In 62mm Filter Thread: It is equipped with 62 mm filter thread for using screw-in filters. It is very convenient for attaching the filter to the lens directly. Great for users who don’t want to carry any filter holders・Extremely Close Focusing Distance: The lens features an extremely close focusing distance of 7.4 inch / 19cm (from subject to sensor) for photographers to create macro-like shots with the ultra-wide perspective. It can also create a nice over the shoulder shot that gives you a sense of presence・Super Compact and Lightweight: The lens is designed to achieve high mobility, compactness and lightness to give photographers more flexibility in travelling. The tiny lens is only 2.5 inches in height and weighs 8.9oz, making it perfect for travel or landscape photographers説明: Venus Laowa 11mm f/4.5 FF RL is a super compact and lightweight Rectilinear (RL) wide-angle lens for full-frame mirrorless cameras. The remarkable 126-degree angle of view with 7.4-inch minimum focus length features can be found in the 2.5-inch long and 8.9 oz lens. It allows you to capture the stunning landscape, precious travel moments and beautiful interior design without any burden. The lens also includes two aspherical elements and three extra-low dispersion elements to guarantee the sharpness, suppress chromatic aberrations and distortion to the minimum. Conveniently, the 62mm filter can be screwed onto the lens directly, or more filters available with a 100mm square filter frame (sold separately). The 5-blade aperture creates a stunning 10-point sunstars.Remarkable 126-Degree Angle of ViewFeaturing a remarkable 126-degree angle of view, the Laowa 11mm offers an exaggerated, non-fisheye perspective. It would be a perfect tool for the landscape, travel and interior photographer.Built-In 62mm Filter ThreadIt is equipped with 62 mm filter thread for using screw-in filters. It is very convenient for attaching the filter to the lens directly. Great for users who don’t want to carry any filter holders.Supreme Image QualityThe 11mm f/4.5 FF RL is composed of 14 elements in 10 groups which deliver remarkable image sharpness. Although it is not a Zero-D lens, the 2 aspherical elements and 3 extra-low dispersion elements suppress chromatic aberrations and distortion to the minimum.カテゴリー: カメラレンズメーカー: Venusブランド: LAOWA高さ: 12.7 センチ幅: 12.7 センチ奥行: 12.7 センチ重量: 0.6 Kg本商品は海外拠点に在庫がございます。その為、通常、お届けまで2〜3週間程度お時間をいただいております。◆税関手続き、関税支払い等すべて当方で負担して対応しておりますので、ご安心くださいませ。なお、ご注文確定後のお客様都合のキャンセルは承ることはできません。予め、ご了承下さいませ。※法人様、研究機関様、教育機関様等のお客様へのお取引実績がございます。複数個、大口注文をご希望の場合は、恐れ入りますがメッセージにてお知らせ頂ければ、折り返しご回答させて頂きます。...
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